Baked Creamy White
Cook 15 mins
4 servings
Intensifying in flavour while softening in consistency, Baked Creamy White develops its character beautifully when heated. Nuances broaden, changing from mild to vibrant and the interior becomes more likely to absorb nearby flavours. Our recipe for Baked Creamy White offers smooth textures and a creamy palate to finish.
Blackberries & Liquorice- 1 Castello® Creamy white
- 1 handful of blackberries
- 2 tbsp liquorice syrup
- fresh mint leaves
Preparation1. Unwrap the Castello Creamy White and place it into a small baking dish. Cut crisscrossing lines across the cheese, cutting only halfway through the depth of the cheese.
2. Place the blackberries into the cracks created from cutting the cheese. Drizzle with liquorice syrup.
3. Bake the cheese at 170° for 5-7 minutes
4. Remove from the oven, garnish with fresh mint leaves. Serve right away.